About us

We specialise in developing products for people with dementia, older generations and their families and supporters. Each product is backed by research and has been developed with people affected by dementia to make sure that they are designed with meaning, purpose and care.


Claire Craig is a professor of design with a wealth of knowledge and experience in occupational therapy and dementia.

Helen Fisher is a researcher and designer who loves to create beautiful things that can improve health and wellbeing.

For many years Claire and Helen have worked together on research and design projects that explore ways to enable people with dementia to express what matters and learn ways to maintain independence and communication with their loved ones. Research undertaken at Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University, has informed some of the products you see on this website. Our work has also been trialled and supported by Alzheimer Scotland and Sheffcare as well as many other communities and individuals along the way.

Elaine Hunter (Alzheimer Scotland) champions the work of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) in Scotland. You can find many excellent AHP-led resources here: www.alzscot.org/ahpresources.

Kathryn Rawling (Sheffcare) has continued to us support in everything we do, being an integral critical friend and our connection to wonderful people living and working in care homes across Sheffield.